Mac & Windows Dualboot Bluetooth Pairing
Ever had a problem with bluetooth devices on your dualboot machine?
You had to pair it everytime you were logging into another OS?
Follow the steps below and fix the problem with ease!
Also note, that I'm not the author of this fix, this is just an easy tool for it. The solution is based on this answer.
Use this tool on your phone so you could preserve entered data between system boots.
Boot into Windows
  1. Pair your device so all the services and registry entries get created.
  2. Press Windows + X on your keyboard and choose Device Manager.
  3. Expand the Bluetooth node, right-click on the device you've just paired and choose Properties.
  4. Switch to the Details tab and select Bluetooth Device Address.
  5. Enter your device identifier (the thing below the Value label) below:
Your unique device identifier:
Boot into Mac
  1. Pair the bluetooth devices you've paired with Windows earlier.
  2. Get the device LinkKey from Mac. To get it, use this command:
    sudo defaults read /private/var/root/Library/Preferences/
    Be sure to take the right one (the one with id Enter your device identifier above).
  3. Enter your LinkKey here:
Your device bluetooth LinkKey on Mac:
Boot into Windows again
To make everything work, we need to edit bluetooth registry keys. Unfortunately to do that we need to enter regedit as a System account, which isn't so easy. Carefully follow the instructions below.
  1. Download Microsoft's PsTools.
  2. Extract PsTools and move the PsExec file right under C:/ drive.
  3. Press Windows + X on your keyboard and open the command prompt as administrator.
  4. Move to the directory where PsExec is available. If you followed the previous steps, it would be using this command: cd C:\.
  5. Open regedit with PsExec with the following command: psexec -s -i regedit.
  6. Go to the following path:
  7. Right click on the Enter your device identifier above entry and select Modify binary data.
  8. Erase all the data, enter your converted key available below and submit the change. You have to do it symbol by symbol, unfortunately you can't copy-paste it.
Your converted LinkKey for Windows:
You've made it! As soon as you submit the registry change it should all work now. No more pairing everytime you boot into another OS!
Having problems?
If it didn't work for you, check out our FAQ page! There are few solutions to known problems.
Created by Jacob Sarnowski. Hosted on Netlify. Powered by Gatsby.